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![]() Heide Leigh kissing Father Isidro Villanueva, a Catholic priest. They met when she was on vacation in the Filipines, attempting to recover from her recreation of Darius' stained glass window. She had lost way too much weight during the process, and her arms are covered with scars where they were scored with the glass edges to feed the window on bits of her soul. It was while in the Filipines that she changed her hair and bought a new, different wardrobe to fit her new, almost unheathily thin body. Stepping out of the airport, she was suddenly proposed to by a young man who thrust a ring on her finger and ran off... after two monks attempted to recover the ring from her, Heide managed to discover it was in fact a silicon chip containing information stolen from the Vatican archives - information proving that the Catholic Church believed the Antichrist was present on earth. And, (more shattering to Heide personally) she also discovered that the handsome young jewel thief who had proposed to her was in fact a man of the cloth. The scene above takes place after Heide brought Father Villaneuva back to Vancouver with her, to recover from injuries inflicted by his monkng pursuers. He suffers visions - experiencing the death of saints and following them to heaven, but awakening to find his body scourged with the means of their death. Most often, the wounds heal again, though not without leaving a mess behind. Above, Isidro has suffered a vision wherein he was not allowed to rise again with the departed soul, but was forced to stay in the body, trapped in rotting flesh. It also brings to a head the building tension between the two. Will he foreswear his vows for her? Will the Vatican find him and inflict punishement for his theft of the silicon chip?
" "I'll be anyone you want..." Misery in a couple of outfints loaned to him by Bayani, which were borrowed from Bayani's 14 year old cousin, Tierra Lualhati. Bayani is trying to hide Misery from enemies, and so has dressed him as a girl. See more Broken Glass RPG character pics here.
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copyrighted by ladydarke. Do not steal! Misery will hex you.