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Excerpt from a Broken Glass RPG session. This one is set during Issue Eight, at the time Dr. Fisher and Dr. Fallon are having their "date." Let's just call this...


Heide Leigh's place is a shambles... demonic forces tend not to be tidy. Looking around, she sees havoc; with the winds blowing through the room, everything is in mounds on the floor. She can't find anything, and when she does, often as not it's broken. Shiny new place, and it's almost unliveble.

Her friends have been good about helping with clean up.... Dianne would, "but you know darling, I have that new project I've been telling you all about, and John has been good enough to fund it for me, since it IS a tribute to Incan architecture..."

And she hasn't seen Callie since the night of the séance.

Dr. Fisher, citing feelings of responsibility, has asked her to please accept his contribution. ($1500).

Heide Leigh says: ::chuckles to self at memory of Dianne's explanation::

And Quill, it seems, has made off with Lin's remaining bottle of bootleg.

Heide Leigh says: :: Damn! Could have used that this morning!

A day or two after, while she's still sorting through the mess, there's a knock at the door.
Heide Leigh says: :: Walks over, checks the peekhole ::

Surprise surprise.... her little Aisan Morticia came back. Behira grins and waves as shadow crosses peephole, the frowns and jostles with someone out of sight.

Heide Leigh says: ** Opens door ** Hey, what's up?

**Behira is standing there with a broom. A sulky young man is slouching behind her, with ash blonde dreadlocks and a poncho.

Behira: Um... Remember me?

Heide Leigh says: ** Eyes broom suspiciously**
Heide Leigh says: No matter how hard I try not too
Heide Leigh says: ....
Heide Leigh says: sorry, that's wasnt' very charitable of me
Heide Leigh says: I'm just grumpy this morning

Behira: Oh! **Big grin: holds out broom.** For the mess.

**The young man behind her snickers.** Jeez! Like, discrimination!

Heide Leigh says: ah... Thank you. ** looks at broom, looks a huge pile of junk, sighs hopelessly**

Heide Leigh says: no, not at all I'm equally annoying to all people when I have to clean, spikey **to poncho kid**

"Poncho Kid": Well, take off your shoes. Then you just have to get pregnant.

Behira: This is Benzion. I'll hit him for you. **smacks arm**

Heide Leigh says: Thank you **starts thinking about other uses for the broom**

**Behira peers past HL into room, worried little frown plucking between her brows.** Um... you got anyone there?

Heide Leigh says: well rumor has it that Amber's still burried under there somewhere, but if you ask me, she would have worked her way out by now.

Heide Leigh says: **shakes head, I'm going to regret this** why don't you two come in

Behira: Oh. **Peeks around her again.** Well... anything weird happen lately?

Heide Leigh says: and shove some stuff around with me

Benzion: We hafta woooorkk? Behira!!! We're on business.

Heide Leigh says: **pointedly ignores the annoying one** nothing out of the ordinary for me anyway

Behira: You sure? **Still worried little frown.**

Heide Leigh says: yeah, well there was that incident with the neighbors dog, but he's been trying to impregnate my doorpost since I moved in.

Heide Leigh says: why?

Behira **nibbling her lip** Got any warts?

Behira: Yeast infections? Immaculately conceived stds?

Heide Leigh says: child, what are you on about?

Benzion: Duh! Curse stuff.

Behira: Or maybe frogs falling from the ceiling. I really don't know.

Heide Leigh says: **Suddenly very serious** what, the hell! Is everyone now privy to my family's dirty laundry?

**Both kids look shocked, and step back a little -- youth response to authority figure -- before they remember they're the ones with power and shore themselves up.**

Behira: um?

Benzion: We're, like, lookin' for our master. Behira thought maybe he was here, y'know... smiting you.

Benzion: And stuff.

Heide Leigh says: look, its private okay...just leave it alone **subconsciously, touches her abdomen**
Heide Leigh says: short, stuff with too much makeup on?
Heide Leigh says: sorry haven't see hide or hair of him **cooly**

Benzion: heh! Speakin' of barefoot and pregnant, maybe s'tead of a cow, you could have a frog!

Behira: You've seen him, then? He's been here?

Benzion: That'd be some curse, huh? I'm gonna do that one time.

Heide Leigh says: no, I'm sorry I havn't,

Behira: Oh. Kay.

Heide Leigh says: look, can you tell me something

**Behira turns to go, then swings back.**

Heide Leigh says: when I was out...finding Brian, do you think he could see what was going on?

**Benzion is pouting because no one likes his curse.**

Behira: Who? Brian or my master?

Heide Leigh says: no, Brian definintly rememebers some of it, but your master...?

Behira: He's got a crystal ball. He could see something, of course... but whether he perceived it the same way you did, I don't know. I don't know what you saw... but likely you saw what the entity wanted you to see. My master might have been looking right at the entity. I don't really know.

Heide Leigh says: Oh,...right, look I want him to be okay.

Behira: Oh, he came through that bit okay.

Heide Leigh says: I wish I could explain, but I just...I don't want him to be hurt...
Heide Leigh says: even if I did...

Behira: I don't understand. You've never even met him.

Heide Leigh says: It doesn't matter...
Heide Leigh says: yeah, exactly
Heide Leigh says: I hope you find him

Behira: You didn't do anything to him, you know. Actually, he's the one who sorta threatened you.
Behira: Which is why I thought to look here.
Behira: Look, um, ma'am? If he comes by, he's prolly gonna be real.... unpredictable?
Behira: And, like... really dangerous?

Heide Leigh says: and by unpredictable you mean?

Behira: Sorta like.... high?

Heide Leigh says: high, huh.

Behira: He went out with Dr. Brian a couple of days ago.

Benzion: What? I thought he was working!

Behira: No, he was with Dr. Brian.

Benzion: You mean they left together? Like, planned?

Behira: What are you getting at, stupid? **Smacks him**
Behira: Anyway, something was really wrong when my master came back. He went into the sanctum... he's been binging like I've never seen.
Behira: I don't know where he is. I don't know how much control he has.

Heide Leigh says: ummm, and so now we have a kid who can disembody souls running around on the street?

Behira:..... yes?

Heide Leigh says: have you told Brian?

Behira:.... no?

Heide Leigh says: well, they seem to be pretty close, he might know what happened to make your mater like this, I know he'd want to help.

Behira: My master was mostly speaking Spanish... some Latin, and that I do understand... he kept saying he lost Dr. Brian.
Behira: I think the doctor did this, somehow.
Behira: I don't really understand.
Behira: I think Dr. Brian is done with him.

Heide Leigh says: Hon' after what I saw, I don't think there's a force on earth under or above it that could make Brian leave, that kid.

Behira: Misery's... he's not immediately likeable, mostly.

Benzion: **Poking in piles** Hey! Can I have this?

Heide Leigh says: sounds to me like your master is the one who's lost, not the other way round.
Heide Leigh says: what is it?

Benzion: Dunno. Some, like, really dumb tarot cards with stupid pictures.
Benzion: hah! They make me laugh.

Heide Leigh says: Amber must have left her cards **mutters to self**
Heide Leigh says:Nope **snatches it from him** here play with some of that broken pottery

Benzion: But they're, like, fake porn!

Heide Leigh says: **back to Behira** look you don't have to tell me, he's bit of a brat, I suppose collasal powers will do that to a kid, but I think you're underestimating Brian
Heide Leigh says: You're a philistine **looks a chubby naked chicks, and sort of agrees**

Behira: I'm afraid he's going to overdose. He might die.

Heide Leigh says: **uses broom to shoe Benzion away from the pile**

Benzion: **under breath** Crabby old bitch.

Heide Leigh says: all the more reason to have a doctor on hand
Heide Leigh says: **to Benzion** Just figured that out?

Behira: I don't know what to do.

**Benzion sticks out tongue**

Heide Leigh says: I'll call Brian and try to see find out what happened
Heide Leigh says: **goes to phone, which is on top of pile**

**Behira nods, looking miserable. Benzion wanders into the kitchen.**

Heide Leigh says: **dials Brian's number**

**a longish few rings... then a woman's voice.** Yes?

Heide Leigh says: oh, uh... Hi, is Brian home?

Female voice: He's in the kitchen, dear. Can I tell him who called?

Heide Leigh says: Umm, actually its a bit of an emergency....I really need to speak with him

Female Voice: **friendly chuckle** I'm afraid his souffle is at a rather delicate point right now... What is this regarding?

Heide Leigh says: ....He uh... I'm sorry, it a bit personal, mind if I speak with him about it?

Female Voice: **long pause, quickly covered** Hello? Are you still there? Hello?

Heide Leigh says: wait don't
Heide Leigh says: oh, come on!


Behira: Uh oh... what did he say?
Behira: Did he hang up on you?

Heide Leigh says: I wasn't able to get through to him

Behira: Oh.
Behira: Look, consider this a warning, then. If the Angel of Misery comes by, just keep you head down, 'kay? He gets real possessive... and if he had a tiff with Brian... he might get jealous. He does that.
Behira: Maybe you should go out for awhile.

Heide Leigh says: I was planning on it anyway...
Heide Leigh says: I wish I could help

Behira: **weak smile** thanks. Maybe don't go near Dr. Brian? If my master catches you there, you could be in some trouble.

Benzion: We done here now? Her place is a mess. Jeez! An' I usta catch shit about MY room.

Heide Leigh says: **short flare of resentment.**
Heide Leigh says: Hey, you turn out your pockets

Benzion: Hey! You insinuating something?

Heide Leigh says: just that you like chubby chicks more than I
Heide Leigh says: let's have'm

Benzion: Huh. As if I'd swipe YOUR naked pic.**With great show of injured innocence, he displays empty pockets, subjecting her to following monlogue as he does.**
Benzion: Me an' Misery, we're the same. People always see us as, like, the darkest selves, y'know?
Benzion: 'Cept he does steal, sometimes. Not much, y'know, but sometimes.
Benzion: We're both, like, these powerful mages eking out our existence, cast out by our forefathers...
Benzion: Respected by all for our powers n' stuff.
Benzion: 'Cept I don't peddle my ass on the street.
Benzion: I don't, like, sink as low as he does.

Heide Leigh says: **to Behira** did that make sense to you?

Behira: Um... I don't know about respected by all. But he is in the inner circle.

Heide Leigh says: Oh,...right. **confused** good luck, hon'

Behira: Thanks. C'mon, Benzion.

**She trudges out with Benzion in tow. Benzion goes off talking about how he could lead a coven.**

Heide Leigh says: ** Goes off to the phone, dials her friend Alfi**

**Gets through**

Alfi: Hey hey! My psychic powers tell me it's Heide!

Heide Leigh says: that' or caller ID

Alfi: Maaayybe.

Heide Leigh says: look, you're a teacher right?

Alfi: ..... Maaayybe?
Alfi: Why? What do I have to do?

Heide Leigh says: no, I just need advise,

Alfi: Oh! Well, that doesn't cost my anything. Shoot!

Heide Leigh says: what do you do when, one of your kids has a problem, that they can't talk to an adult about?

Alfi: **Serious deep tone** Heide, is someone touching you inappropriately? **giggles**

Heide Leigh says: shut up **laughs** I"m serious, I just got a visit from little miss dark and spooky again, and you know, I'm afraid one of her friends in some serious trouble

Alfi: Oh. **Pause as he assimilates freaky memories.** I was trying to block all recollection of that night, you realize. What sort of trouble?
Alfi: Not.. ah.. angry spirits? 'Cause that's out of my league.

Heide Leigh says: no, sounds more like "no body love me" kind of trouble.
Heide Leigh says: you know teen angst type stuff

Alfi: Oh. Thank god it's normal! You realize I'm not a shrink, right? Having said that, I guess you gotta decide if the kid is whining or if there's a foundation for it.
Alfi: Some of them go on real pity trips when they have the best lives.

Heide Leigh says: yeah, I remebers throwing a few of those myself

Alfi: Me too, hon.
Alfi: If the kid really is having family problems... then I guess you gotta determine it's criminal neglect and needs Children's Aid... or it's an all-physical-needs-plus-college-fund sort of emotional neglect, in which case you be a friend and encourage them to stick it out.

Heide Leigh says: mmm, thanks I don't think though I"m going to be getting to chummy anytime soon though
Heide Leigh says:**under breath** probably saner that way
Heide Leigh says:which brings me to my second question

Alfi: Okay. Then I got one for you.

Heide Leigh says: Can I borrow your truck?
Heide Leigh says: yes?

Alfi: If you promise not to go out of state and bring it back with no less gas than it went out.
Alfi: Hah! course you can.

Heide Leigh says: no prob. actually, I'm getting new junk to replace the old junk in my appartment

alfi: I'm still stinging from the Dianne episode.

Heide Leigh says: eek, no dear, I promise no attempts at pawning it or detailing it with out your permission
Heide Leigh says: alhtough the ducks where kind of cute

Alfi: When she borrowed it to go downtown, and came back a week later with a dented fender, empty tank, and tan from the impromptu Florida vacation a friend of hers suddenly financed if they took off right then before the girl got undepressed?
alfi: Oh yes. And the free ducks some farmer gave her for hauling his load on the way back.
Alfi: Why does she attract all that free stuff?

Heide Leigh says: maybe it has something to do with that D cup and a bottle of proxide?

Alfi: I believe the detailing was free, too.
Alfi: Oh. Yeah. Well, it worked on me. *laughs* I couldn't stay mad!

Heide Leigh says: anyway, if you'd like to add your creative imput into the buying process I'd love to have you

Alfi: Sounds fun. My question for you?

Heide Leigh says: oh right...go ahead

Alfi: Take Enrique off my hands. I'm bombing at counselling on that one. A woman could do much better.

Heide Leigh says: what's up with Enrique? he and his significant fighting?

Alfi: Yup.
Alfi: At least, he thinks so.

Heide Leigh says: I'll do what I can...
Heide Leigh says: is he there with you?

Alfi: I'll bring him with, then. Meet you in fifteen min?

Heide Leigh says: sure.
Heide Leigh says: thanks a lot
Heide Leigh says: bye

Alfi: toodles.

**quick fifteen minutes, and there's a honk in the street outside.**

Heide Leigh says: Coming !***shouts out of window, or at least attempts to ask part of pile comes crashing down.**
Heide Leigh says: **runs out to parking lot**

**Alfi plays William Tell Overture on truck horn as she bombs out door**

Heide Leigh says: **Pretends to be conducting**
Heide Leigh says: **climes into cab** Hey Enrique**big hug**

**hugs her back**
Riq: How's the damage upstairs?

Heide Leigh says: **climbs over Enrique** Hey Alfi **another big hug**

Alfi: Hey! We got lots of muscle here. I'll be real disappointed if you don't buy something big.

Heide Leigh says: well, you don't happen to know where I could get a portable bulldoser huh?

Alfi: Sigh... overshadowed already. **starts truck**
Alfi: Where you wanna begin the quest?

Heide Leigh says: which is closer, Home Depot, Pier One or Restoration Furniture?

Alfi: Erm... Pier One.
Alfi: Onward!!!

Heide Leigh says: **wiggles inbetween the guys**
Heide Leigh says: Tally ho!

Riq: Vroom. **in decidedly less cheery tone than the others.**

Heide Leigh says: What's the matter hon' ... were shopping for over prices trinkets in snazy furniture stores, I thought you'd be elated?

Riq: **Sigh, then rallies.** Oh, I love to shop, girly. I could outshop you anyday.

Heide Leigh says: I sense a 'but' coming

Riq ** gives up playing happy at first invitation and blurts** Pasha is cheating on me.

Heide Leigh says: What?! Never.

Alfi: It's all circumstantial.

Heide Leigh says: why do you think he's cheating on you?

Alfi: Start at the beginning or you'll confuse her.

Riq: Well... we don't have a lot of money, right, Heide? You know it's pretty much hand to mouth for us.
Riq: All of a sudden, he comes home with this wad. Takes me out for a real nice dinner.

Heide Leigh says: uh huh....but you guys have been through worse.

Riq: No, I mean it. This is bad. I asked him where he got the money. He didn't want to tell me.
Riq: Finally, he said he had a patron. He hasn't had money to sculpt anything for about a year... hasn't had any shows. I don't know how he found one.

Heide Leigh says: That's great!!

Riq: So I asked, right? He laughed and made jokes about "performance art."
Riq: And he's just been... different. This "patron" gave him a whole bunch of clay... he's a classicist. He only works in marble. But now he won't touch anything but that clay.

Heide Leigh says: so he's branching out...I don't see how this leads to cheating
Heide Leigh says: Have you asked him about why the sudden switch?

Alfi: That's what I said. It's all circumstantial.

Riq: I tried. He barely hears me. It's like I'm talking to the wall. And... I don't like watching him work with it.

Heide Leigh says: mmmm, well, how is his work turning out?

Riq: .....
Riq: .... it's his best ever, I guess.
Riq: It's just it... well... art is subjective, right?
Riq: Maybe it's just me.

Heide Leigh says: well, it sounds like he's having a creative reawakwning, I mean new medium, new calibur of work, I think if he's cheating on you with anyone, its with his muse.
Heide Leigh says: just tell him you need a little TLC

Riq: I told you, he doesn't hear me.
Riq: It's like the studio wall are the edges of his world. .... Heide, would you... His "patron" is holding a show for him tonight. Big gala. Paid for everything. Wonderful opportunity. And the patron -- not Pasha -- invited me to display a few paintings.
Riq: Come to the show. Look at his work. Tell me what you think.

Heide Leigh says: of course I'll come,
Heide Leigh says: but how about a more direct approach.
Heide Leigh says: I haven't conducted a good kidnapping since I graduated
Heide Leigh says: you up to it Alfi?

Alfi: Always!!! Boy, I missed these.

Riq: He'll be mad.

**Alfi is already turning the truck.**

Heide Leigh says:
they always are...until the hijinks beings!
Heide Leigh says: wish I knew where my ski mask is...

Riq: I don't know... he's got the show tonight. What if he needs to prepare? I have to admit, this "Darius" guy is really giving him an opportunity. This could be the breaththrough for him.

Alfi: I never heard of big art money named Darius...?

Heide Leigh says: Oh we'll have hime back in good order long before the show benings

Riq: As long as you're sure. I hope this works.

Heide Leigh says: course I"m sure. now where's that back bag we used to use?

Alfi: Ski mask is in the glove compartment from last time.
Alfi: Unless Dianne ditched it in florida. **makes face**

Heide Leigh says: Yes!!!

Alfi: Bag is under the seat.

Heide Leigh says:here it is, sort of smells like jelly fishes though.
Heide Leigh says: **Starts Chucking the sea shells it had been used to collect**

Riq: **getting into the spirit** what's the plan?

Alfi: Bet those shell were going to be part of her "new projects."

Heide Leigh says: inevitably...
Heide Leigh says: okay, we can still get into the studio the back way right?

Riq: I have a key.

Alfi: Almost there. You want me to park a few blocks away, or you want a getaway car right handy?

Heide Leigh says: better keep it handy, but go round back

Riq: Okay, yeah. He always leaves that big window open. Marble dust.

Heide Leigh says: Riq and I will get Pasha, you keep the engine running.

**Alfi pulls up outside studio.** I never get to do the fun part.

Heide Leigh says: Okay we got to distract him some how, get him away from his work, he'd never forgive up if we messed up one of his current projects

**Riq is grinning like Puck** Riq: How?

Heide Leigh says:mmm, anyone got a cell phone?

**Both extend phones**

Heide Leigh says: great, go ahead and give him a call, and keep him talking. Riq and I will sneak in and bag him, then its back to the car with the three of us, we'll do the interrogation at Pier One.

**Alfi dials**
Alfi: Dude!!- - -- He just hung up.

Heide Leigh says: come on **pulls on ski mask and does best pink panther impression as sneaks into house**

**Riq follows, getting into spirit as Alfi redials.**

Heide Leigh says: **crawls through window, big blck bag ready to throw over her friends head.**

**Riq follows, much more careful of his clothing Inside is a big room, lots of windows, lots of light. Filled with earthy smell of clay; somehow it has a fresh-grave scent. As they climb through window, they hear a very sensual groaning.**

**Riq freezes.**

Heide Leigh says: **tries not to giggle**
Heide Leigh says: **tugs on his sleeve to see what's the matter**

Riq: Listen!
Riq: Oh god! What if he's got that Darius here?

Heide Leigh says: or more likely Blueboy in the batheroon.

Riq: You go.

Heide Leigh says: come on.
Heide Leigh says: fine, but I'm going to need to you to get him out of here
Heide Leigh says: **sneaks forward**

**Studio seems to be full of a preposterous number of sculptures... she's never known him to be this prolific, but then marble is very slow to carve. Most are covered and wrapped, ready for shipping to the show; ghostly humanoid shapes under the white sheets.**
**interspersed with them, new sculptures in dark clay. Human forms, twining... they immediately draw the eye, demanding, fascinating... and repulsing.

Heide Leigh says: **tries not gasp**

**There is a marquis de sade feel about the work, though the poses are not outright lewd...brilliant workmanship, powerful feel... but somehow that feel is ::ugly:: **she can't place why, but it is overpowering.**

**From behind a bulking row of statuary, she hears Pasha moan**

Heide Leigh says: **thinks to self, I've got to get him back into the world of the living**
Heide Leigh says: **Doges behind one of the statues, peers around**

**Pasha is standing before an incomplete work, hands full of the clay, kneading it... again, it shouldn't be from what he's doing, but the scene has a black and pornographic sense to it. He is utterly absorbed in it, lost in the clay working through his hands.*
Heide Leigh says: **trying to keep the worms crawling in her stomach from making her turn back, she forces a smile to her face**
Heide Leigh says: **it falters for a second**
Heide Leigh says: **wispers** this is for your own good hon'
Heide Leigh says: **Creeps up behind him and tires to bag'em**

**He shrieks as the bag goes over his head, flailing with a madman's strength.**

Heide Leigh says:**in bad Russian accent** I've got em!!
Heide Leigh says: Oww, Maybe not.

**He's still screaming, totally wild... she has a definite advantage with surprise and the bag.**

Heide Leigh says: **knocked to the floor**

**Bag over head, Pasha snatches up a long knife used for cutting clay.**

Heide Leigh says: Comrade! I need your Help!

**Riq comes running**

Heide Leigh says: Oh, hell
Heide Leigh says: backs away, as quickly as possible
Heide Leigh says: Pasha, its just us.

**Pasha struggles with the bag, trying to free head, knife still in hand. Still screeching in Persian.**

Heide Leigh says: calm down
Heide Leigh says: !
Heide Leigh says: Pasha! PASHA!

**He fumbles bag off and extends knife at them** Get out get out get out get out!!!!! Get away from my work!!!!

Heide Leigh says: ummm, how about. No.
Heide Leigh says: put that knife down right now.
Heide Leigh says: we're your friends.

**He throws knife at her, missing ridiculously... can't tell if he was seriously trying to hit her or not. He's no circus knife thrower.**

Heide Leigh says: **gives him the benifit of the doubt**
Heide Leigh says: that's a little better

Pasha: GET OUT!!!

Heide Leigh says: no.

**Starts throwing more implements -- but nothing made of clay -- at them.**

Pasha: My work! I can't work with you disturbing me!

Heide Leigh says: What the hell is wrong with you?
Heide Leigh says: that almost hit me!

Pasha: **sudden crazy light in eyes** The police!! I'll call the police. You're trespassing. If you touch my work, I'll kill you.

Heide Leigh says: last time I checked the studio was still in Enrique's name.
Heide Leigh says: and you're "work" can wait. we need to talk

**Grabbing for more artillary, his hands close on the clay... and he starts to calm, kneading and working it again, quickly spacing them out, ignoring them.**

Riq: See what I mean?

Heide Leigh says: yeah, only this is a lot more than just cheating.
Heide Leigh says: **waves hand in front of Pasha's eyes**

Pasha: mhhmm. **absently pushes hand away.**

Heide Leigh says: **looks at where he toched her**

**There is a faint smutch of wet clay left on her skin It feels cold and wet. Otherwise... she's not getting the charge out of it that he seems to be.**

Heide Leigh says: I think the clay might have something in it.

Riq: Like what? LSD or something?

Heide Leigh says: I don't know...would explain the work though wouldn't it?
Heide Leigh says: could be something natural

Riq: (shakes head sadly) It's what I thought. Watch. Pasha? Pasha, love? You have the big show tonight... you have to get ready.

**Pasha jerks head at him.** Uh huh. Go right ahead.

Riq: Ignoring me, right?
Riq: Even ignoring his big chance, right?

Heide Leigh says: yeah, okay, well...we're his friends, I mean we can't just let this keep going.

Riq: Watch. (Grim, hurt, set to mouth.) But Pasha... Darius will be there.

**Pasha's hands stop.**
**He raises his head, not seeing them... beautific smile.**

Pasha: **almost like he just woke up** What time is it? I gotta get ready.

Heide Leigh says: oh, you got pleanty of time hon'
Heide Leigh says: but we should go out and get you some new errr, help me out here Riq

Riq: **peeved.** How about a new boyfriend?

Pasha: **Confused look at Riq** You mad at me again?

Heide Leigh says: ummm, you did just attempt to impale us with carving tools

Pasha: Nonsense. I would never so desecrate a good tool.
Pasha **looking around at all the thrown stuff** Ah shit! You guys made a mess. Just get out and let me clean up.

Heide Leigh says: **give hollow laugh**
Heide Leigh says: Nope, clean up can wait, for now we shop.
Heide Leigh says: **shoots Riq a please play nice look**

Riq: Heide Leigh? **tiny voice, as Pasha starts cleaning... handles tools like he's in a temple, though a profane one.**

**Riq points to ball of clay on floor. Finger shaking.**

Heide Leigh says: here let me get that
Heide Leigh says: **reaches for it**

**as she gets close, she sees blood mixed into the clay... a few tiny stray feathers sticking out.**

Heide Leigh says: what' in the world?

Pasha: **Ominous voice** don't touch my material.

Heide Leigh says: fine... Enrique, please call Alfi in, one way or the other, we are going to help Pasha "get ready for the party"

**Riq nods and runs out**

Heide Leigh says: **goes to keep Pashs From picking up any more potential projectile**

**As soon as she tries to touch him with purpose of interfering, he looks up at her with fiery eyes, and raises a hand to hit her.**

Pasha: Get out.

((He's a fairly little guy... slim, about 5'6)

Heide Leigh says: **Back away kicking as many tools out of his reach as she goes** no.

Pasha: What the hell is your problem, anyway? Barging in on me like this. I have a show to get ready for. I have work to finish.

**eyes travel longingly toward the clay**

Heide Leigh says: I'm sure you do.
Heide Leigh says: Whoa **steps in between him and the clay**

Pasha: Darius **breathily** Darius says I'm a genius.

Heide Leigh says:You are, but I always knew that

Pasha: He loves my work.

Heide Leigh says: Enrique loves you

Pasha: marble... too slow. Gave me clay.

Pasha: what? **blink, as if not following change in topic, and had to think who Enrique is**

Heide Leigh says: marble was beautiful, clay too
Heide Leigh says: you know Enrique

Pasha... clay...
Pasha: Yah. Enrique. What?

Heide Leigh says: your soul mate
Heide Leigh says: the one who inspired you in the first place?

Pasha: Oh. Yah. Did he leave? You should catch up with him, eh?

Heide Leigh says: oh, he's coming back
Heide Leigh says: he wants me to entertain you in the mean time

Pasha: That's real sweet, Heide, but you're starting to bore me.
Pasha: Stuff to do, you know.

Heide Leigh says: so I gather, **where the hell are they**

**Alfi and Riq come trotting in**

Heide Leigh says: there's a opening tonight
Heide Leigh says: right?

Riq: His show. Yes.

Heide Leigh says: so lets go get you ready, come on hon'
Heide Leigh says: **takes him by the arm**

**Pasha sighs, looking longingly over his shoulder at the clay, but allows them to lead him out. He is carefully last to leave, and carefully locks the door... three extra locks on door.**


Go to Page 2





All material copyrighted by ladydarke. Do not steal! Misery will hex you.