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Alfi **whispers when Pasha, Heide, and Riq come strolling together to his truck** what happened to the kidnap?

Heide Leigh says: sudden and uncontrollable fits happened **whispers**
Heide Leigh says: come on lets go out and celebrate

Alfi: With beer? Wine! I mean wine. Very cultured, artistic wine.

Heide Leigh says: come on what do you say guys
Heide Leigh says: not everyday one of us gets to make it big

**Air feels a lot cleaner outside of studio... but she feels somehow dirty from being around the statues, like she needs to wash. Pasha is slouched, quiet, hands in pockets. Dreamy expression.**

Alfi: Yah, this is really it for him, huh? Wow.

**Riq is quiet too.... upset. Worried. Alfi is picking up on it, and gives her what-the-hell look.**

Heide Leigh says: Okay, so Jerry's then anyone got objections?

Alfi: I like Jerrys. Beer! I mean, wine. Wine!

Heide Leigh says: **Whispers to Alfi** lot more than cheating boyfriend's going on here.

Alfi: **whisper** then why does Riq look like his dog died?

Heide Leigh says: right, well we can all fit in your truck right?

Alfi: Sure! If somebody sits on somebody's lap. **Stares at Riq and Pasha.**

**They pile into truck. Alfi is trying hard to carry sense of joviality Heide Leigh is trying to convey. Riq manages occasional lame and heartsick smile. Pasha is distant.**

**Drive to Jerry's.**

Alfi **whisper** uh... boss? You got a plan?

Heide Leigh says: we got to get him to a hospital. There's something in that clay, that's...well, just wrong, and he won't listen to reason. I know this is pretty underhanded, but he's still allergic to chicken right?

Alfi: Far as I know. Want me to turn around right now?

Heide Leigh says: last time we tried to force him to do anything, he threw a fit...

Alfi: pasha doesn't throw fits.
Alfi: Dianne, yes. Pasha, no.

Heide Leigh says: I know...your right...its just
Heide Leigh says: you should have seen him.

Alfi: Okay. I did call you in 'cause this was more than I could handle when it was just cheating.

Heide Leigh says: look you're right the direct approach is better anyway.

Alfi: ?

Heide Leigh says: lets just ask him to go to a hospital and take a drug test...there something that's effecting him and he doens't even realize it

Alfi: Your call.

Heide Leigh says: if he were in his right mind he'd want to know as much as we would.
Heide Leigh says: hey Pash.
Heide Leigh says: you feeling okay?

Pasha **long wait** hmm?

Heide Leigh says: **gives meaningful look to Alfi**

**Alfi turns toward hospital**

Heide Leigh says: I think maybe we should take you to a hospital

Pasha: **blinks** Oh, it's okay. It was just the bird.

Heide Leigh says:the bird?

Pasha: I didn't cut myself at all.

Heide Leigh says: ah, that's good, but what about this bird?

Pasha: They keep getting stuck in the clay, somehow. I should shut the windows, I guess.
Pasha: It wasn't my blood.

Heide Leigh says: ummm, birds don't get stuck in clay hon'

Pasha: Oh yes. I find them all the time. But they look so crushed.
Pasha: I don't know why they'd bleed from getting stuck. They must struggle awful hard. **starts to hum.**

Heide Leigh says: oh, that explains it **rather sick to her stomach** you must have caught something from one of them, they carry all sorts of disease, and nice warm clays is a great incubator.

Riq: Like West Nile? **suddenly alarmed.**

Heide Leigh says:we've got to get to the hospital now **whisper to alfi**

Alfi: Half way there.

Heide Leigh says: yeah, If they catch it early enough we'll be fine

**Alfi comes skidding into hospital and pulls up at emergency entrance. Riq bustles Pasha inside.**

Heide Leigh says: **goes up to front desk, start filling out forms paper**
Heide Leigh says: excuse, nurse, my firend over there is pretty messed up...

**The receiving nurse hears the phrase "West Nile" from Riq, and perks right up.**

Nurse: We'll have to get him into quarantine while we run some tests.

Heide Leigh says: thank you,

Riq: **pale** No... the show tonight.
Riq: No, he can't. Tomorrow.

Nurse: Hello? Infectious!!

Heide Leigh says: Enrique, the show can go on without him, you said, you were going anyway right?
Heide Leigh says: you can represent him can't you?

Riq: This is his CHANCE, Heide Leigh! The work might be there, but.... there'll be reporters. TV news. Buyers... all the right people, all the right chances to make connections.
Riq: This Darius has thrown out the red carpet for him.

Heide Leigh says: does it really look like he's in any condition for reporters, TV or connections

Riq: Oh God! I ruined it all for him!

Heide Leigh says: no, you didn't. I don't think it was going to work to begin with....

Riq: This is like, the kind of thing that falls in Dianne's lap, and just this once it was his turn... Once was all he needed!
Riq: He's good, Heide, he really is. This new stuff... It's ugly, but its brilliant.

Heide Leigh says: I know, I know....its just that brilliance like his can't be hidden

Riq **pulling at hair** Genius dies unrecognized all the time!

Heide Leigh says: and I know I don't want him to be remmeber for those works back at the studio

Riq:.... it's not just me? That stuff really is.... wrong?

Heide Leigh says: yeah, beautiful and yet revolting?
Heide Leigh says: that's not Pasha...its a part of him...but not the part that creates

Riq: He did one of me.. you know he calls me his muse. But this one... I was just standing there, but it looked so lewd. I wanted him to destroy it. I've never wanted that before.

Heide Leigh says: look, we don't know that the show will be a failure yet
Heide Leigh says: and we don't know that this is only chance

Riq: Okay, Heide. You seem to know what you're doing.
Riq: I guess if we tell them he's got West Nile, it's a good excuse.

Heide Leigh says: Hey, it might even be true....

Riq.... You mean you didn't think it was?

Heide Leigh says: **ignores comment, to nurse** please take good care of him

Nurse: We always do.

Alfi: What now, fearless leader?
Alfi: Bee-- Wine?

**Riq is leaving his number with nurse so he can get results of tests.**

Heide Leigh says: **watches them cart Pasha off to quarintine** Liquors quicker

Alfi: On to Jerry's!! **whisper** so is he cheating or not?

Riq: I should get ready for the show. I don't know the arrangements for shipping... drop me off at home?

Heide Leigh says: sure, what time shoul I be there?
Heide Leigh says: at the show that is

Riq: Opens at 7:00. Hor d' vors, but eat before you go.

Alfi: Wine and cheese?

Riq **sigh** yes, Alfi. Wine.

**Alfi drops Riq off.** How about you, Heidi?

Heide Leigh says:I'm still up for Jerry's

Ali: Yay!

Heide Leigh says: maybe you can help me make sense of this

**Parks at Jerry's; goes inside to regular booth.**

Alfi: I can try.

Heide Leigh says: **orders a car bomb**

**Alfi reads beer menu with agonizing care, and orders wine.**

Heide Leigh says: okay, so there is something up with Pasha, and its more than the usual artists, passion crap that we sometimes have to deal with.
Heide Leigh says: there were dead birds in the clay hon' and he just kept on kneading them in....I know it sounds crazy, but

Alfi: But?

Heide Leigh says: I saw it with my own eyes
Heide Leigh says: and those peices, you saw them right...I've never made anything that good

Alfi: **fidgits** Yes I've seen them... they were good... but...

Heide Leigh says: tell me I'm not sabatoging my friend....

Alfi: I don't think I like his new theme, or whatever it is.
Alfi: Makes me feel like I have to take my soul to the laundromat.

Heide Leigh says: there really was something wrong with him, right? and wrong with the work?

Alfi: .... yah.
Alfi: But I don't know. Isn't that what genius is? Look at Dali.
Alfi: No one understood his vision either... Van Gogh with the eye-stabbing..
Alfi: Art is only bad when it lacks technical expertise. Vision... how can you judge that? It's what I tell my classes.

Heide Leigh says: yeah, but Dali, just enrages the femminist in me and Van Gogh, his work is never the less filled with light and life

Alfi: But Pasha is just wrong?
Alfi: That work has impact, Heidi. It revolts me, but that's what art does best... evoke an emotion.

Heide Leigh says: I just thought that what we did was create, right, we take basic components and we make them more thant the sum of their parts
Heide Leigh says: its like his is less, like it defiles the very material its made of

Alfi: .... that bit about the dead birds was pretty gross.

Heide Leigh says: yeah, tell me about it.

Alfi: So,what do you want to do?

Heide Leigh says: go to the show and meet this Darius...and punch him....guess that's not very productive huh?

Alfi: Maybe. I'd have to meet the guy first. Who is he, anyway? Now, I'm no Dianne, but I'd have thought I'd have heard of a patron with money and clout like that.
Alfi: She going to this show?

Heide Leigh says: no clue, but I kind of don't want her too...

Alfi: No? I'd have thought safety in numbers.

Heide Leigh says: you know how keep saying that if she'd just apply herself she could really be great?
Heide Leigh says: well, I don't want Pasha's work to be what inspires, her new dedication...maybe I'm just being jealous

Alfi: If she'd finish something, then I could judge whether she was any good. Wait, I meant, let her actually start something.
Alfi: I've always said her art was sucking the lifeblood out of patrons.
Alfi: You mean you think Dianne would like Pasha's new style?

Heide Leigh says: **mutters to self** maybe, turn-about is fair play
Heide Leigh says: like is not the word I would use, no one likes it, but captivated by it, entranced perhaps...

Alfi: It is, that. Sort of has a horrible fascination... like maybe watching a rape.

Heide Leigh says: **gives him a you're-distrubing-me-look**

alfi: Sorry. Not into that. Not at all.

Heide Leigh says: you think we should give her a call, see what she knows?

**Passes over cellphone**

Heide Leigh says: dials number

Dianne: Hi Heidi. I'm at the zoo.
Dianne: I just happened to run into the director by the lion pen... we've been having this lovely discussion about an idea I had, showcasing the disappearance of species...
Dianne: An ark, Heidi! I'll build an ark!
Dianne: And represent the species with dna coils...
Dianne: They're not called coils. What are they called, darling?

Heide Leigh says: Helix dear
Heide Leigh says: **tries to supress laughter** I take it that means your done with my cousin then?

Dianne: At any rate, the director thinks the zoo should fund my project.

Heide Leigh says: of course he does

Dianne: Oh, darling John?

Heide Leigh says: the one the only

Dianne: He's just gone to get me cotton candy. Blue only, I told him. Apparently it's turned into quite the quest. It's been ages.

Heide Leigh says: oh, yeah,'s a hard color to come by these days...
Heide Leigh says: speaking of hard to come by
Heide Leigh says: I've heard of this new guy in town who's
Heide Leigh says: been looking to patronize the arts

Dianne: Oh, the Persian? Darius?

Heide Leigh says: uumm yeah **surprised**

Dianne: Or the other new guy? That Hecklestein... Stay away from him. He's all front, no real money.

Heide Leigh says: ah, well, you know me, I'm pretty much set with my job at the stain glass factory...but I was just wondering about you guys
Heide Leigh says: any idea, what this Darius character is into?
Heide Leigh says: classics, contemporary, realistic, surreal?

Dianne: He's new in town... very rich.

Heide Leigh says: abstract?

Dianne: Um... variable. Has an eye for the unique, for undiscovered genius.
Dianne: Lucky Pasha, hmm? Big debut tonight.

Heide Leigh says:oh, yeah...are you going?

Dianne: Oh no, darling. I thought I'd spend some time with John, keep him on the....I mean, I've missed him so.
Dianne: Quiet dinner for two. He's taking me to this little Italian bistro... should I wear the red dress, or the black?

Heide Leigh says:I'll bet...
Heide Leigh says: matches your lips

Dianne: The black then. Thanks bunches, dearest. One of these days, I'll help you shop and pick out some real clothes.
Dianne: If there's nothing else, Ta.

Heide Leigh says:bye, be kind to him
Heide Leigh says: **clicks off phone** so are you coming?

alfi: What, me?

Heide Leigh says: yeah

Alfi: Sure, if you need back up. What about Dianne? She's not actually missing a chance to rub elbows with the movers and shakers of the art world, is she? Chee... you think she'd need to be the one in quarantine before she'd do that.

Heide Leigh says: **trying not to sound miserable** no, she's very much into "sucking the lifeblood" out of my cousin right now, luckily he's almost as old a hand at this as she should have see some of the commisions he's been able to fanagle out of people
Heide Leigh says: only difference, he actually does the work

Alfi: One of these days someone is going to come after her wondering where their results are.

Heide Leigh says: and as her friends we'll bail her out...

Alfi: *Sigh.** Why exactly are we her friends again? Oh yeah.... D cups.

Heide Leigh says: **laughs** now, what's my excuse?

Alfi: Maybe you're hoping they'll rub off?

Heide Leigh says: oh, now there's an idea,
Heide Leigh says: **looks down at less than ample chest**

Alfi: Sounds kind of painful, actually.
Alfi: We need to do anything to prepare for the showdown tonight?

Heide Leigh says: **keeps laughing, pauses to drown her Car bomb**
Heide Leigh says:get drunker?....just kidding

alfi: works for me.

Heide Leigh says: I'll be good.

Alfi: We going to crash as we are, or you wanna dress?

Heide Leigh says: should dress I guess, cleaning and moving cloths aren't exactly the best idea,....and I don't want to reflect badly on Pasha, once, this is all over he's going to hate me...I just don't want him to hate me too much
Heide Leigh says: drop me off at home?

Alfi: You bet. I'll pick you up again in time for the gala.

**drive drive.... drops off at home. Anything Heidi is doing before party time?)

Heide Leigh says: **putting on outfit that look suspecially like a gray ninja uniform, with a big purple sash, thems my fightin' clothes, tries to call brian again, I assume she fails to connect.**

**phone appears to have been left off hook**

Heide Leigh says: **drives to gallery**

**for party, or early?**

Heide Leigh says: ((er, a little earlly to see if Enrique is doing okay))

**He is flustered, overworked, and nervous, directing unloading and setting up of statuary and his own little corner of paintings. Is wearing tux and lots of deodorant. Looks appalled at her clothes, then graciously swallows his expression.**

**Actually, he looks quite pale.**

Heide Leigh says: Hey, doing okay...

Riq: Guess so... I feel a little faint. Mind getting me some water?

Heide Leigh says: ((the clothes aren't actual Ninja gi, they just look like it.))

**she still gets the look**

Heide Leigh says: sure, **pours from one of the glass pitcure on the table**
Heide Leigh says:**takes it back to him** show me your work?

Riq: **takes water gratefully** Okay. I'm actually glad this is Pasha's show, not mine.... This isn't my best. If it was make it or break it for me, I'd have bowed out.

**leading her to his area**

Riq: I've just been so stressed since this started with Pasha... It's been wearing me down.

**enter his corner... his work is awful. Technically competent, that's all you can say. Otherwise, some unknown element inspires to make it look dead, like everything's been sucked out of his paint.**

Riq: Not my best, huh?

Heide Leigh says: ....its honest...

**He cringes**

Riq: I'd rather you just admitted it was awful.

Heide Leigh says: and avoids a lot of the pretension that we are used to
Heide Leigh says: ...hon, please don't put words in my mouth, its actually quiet, no your best
Heide Leigh says: but its a side I haven't see in your work before,
Heide Leigh says: probably not one you've explore much either?

Riq: You realize this is a horrible preview of what the critics are going to say.

Heide Leigh says: critics, don't know their asses from their heads... and you know it
Heide Leigh says: sell, it, its you, and its good

Riq: It's okay, though. It makes Pasha shine even more brightly.
Riq: Pasha.... **sigh**

Heide Leigh says: He's going to be okay...I have faith

Riq: I gotta supervise. Oh, and don't tell anyone you know Pasha while wearing that, okay?

Heide Leigh says: what? **mutters to self** I love this outfit.

Riq: Have you met Darius? ... I think he's in the garden. Go look, and tell me if you think there's any possible way lardbucket is more appealing than me.

Heide Leigh says: Sure.
Heide Leigh says: **walks toward garden**

**Lovely Persian garden... fountains and peacocks. Galleria is being held in his home. In the garden, being very peaceful in the midst of the preparations, is a He's wearing a turban and a silken caftan, feeding a dove on his finger. He's got a black beard like the ancient Persians, and is possibly the ugliest man she's ever seen.**

Heide Leigh says:**just watches for a bit trying to take in her surroundings, espcailly since she still feels like she should not be here, early and all**

**dove pecks at bread too hard, biting at his finger... the man laughs, a deep, rolling Santa Clause belly laugh. Beautiful, masculine sound, so at odds with his form. Big white teeth. Smile transforms ugliness.**
**lets dove fly into air.**
**turns and sees her in the act. Startled, then smiles again.**
Ah. A ninja raider!

**Picks up stick, struggling to bend, and holds it out like a fencer.** En guard!

Heide Leigh says: Ah, you caught me, though I can't say I"m much one for sword play...

**He lowers sword, mopping brow and looking rather relieved.** Well, perhaps I was better in my younger day.

Heide Leigh says: You must be Darius?

Darius: You have the advantage, I'm afraid...?

Heide Leigh says: Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me, I'm Heide Leigh

**Offers plump hand** A pleasure, my girl.
Darius: Welcome to my home.

Heide Leigh says: thank you, **takes his hand**

Darius: I'd have said abode, since I'm passing thorugh, but that's a little pompous, don't you think?

Heide Leigh says: well, I think you're one of the few people I would have let to get away with a little pomp.

**eyes her sidelong** Somehow I have the feeling there's a hidden reference to my waistline... **belly laugh**

Heide Leigh says: not at all, you've given a friend of mine a very precisious opprotunity
Heide Leigh says: I'm just sad, that couldn't be here to enjoy it...

Darius **shakes head under turban** Ah,the West Nile. Well, his companion informs me the results aren't conclusive. I'm sure the boy will recover.
Darius: And of course, talent like that will speak across centuries.... it doesn't need his voice to shout its merits.

Heide Leigh says: its good to tell me, what drew you to Pasha's work?
Heide Leigh says: I mean other than the fact that he's briliant?

**that grin turns the ugly scowl of his natural face into beaming charisma.**

Darius: I have no talent for the arts myself, you know. All I have is gold **expansive arm gesture at the lush garden** and I use it to pave the way for those who do have the gift. And your friend most certainly does... it beams out of him.
Darius: "Other than his brilliance" indeed!

Heide Leigh says: well, gold certainly keep the artist belly full, but its not enough to inspire...what do you think of his latest work?

Darius: With the clay? I'll let you know after the unveiling.
Darius: Why? Have you snuck a peek, little friend of Pasha?

**shakes finger at her**

Heide Leigh says: **mischeivious smile** I try to keep tabs on friends, make sure, they're not out doing me.

Darius: *Perk of interest** Oh? And do those ladylike little hand also weild a chisel?

Heide Leigh says: oh, no, never touched the stuff...

Darius: Ah, well. My pardon. I had thought you meant to imply you, too, were an artisan.

Heide Leigh says: I'm a great admirer of my friends, and I do produce a little, but not in the field of sculpture

**Interest twinkles back into his eyes.** Oh?

Heide Leigh says: **is this how you go to Pasha?** Glass, widows, three dimentional, and some blowing

Darius: **lets out breath** Glass... I've seen the cathedrals of Europe, my dear. The windows that took ten years to craft... the art has been lost, I fear. Todays churches... canned. Stained glass has become something to make little round pictures of birds to hang in windows.
Darius: There is no frame... no grandeur,... no greatness.
Darius: **places hand on fat belly** Forgive me, how rude. I didn't mean to critizice your work, and you spoke only of glass blowing.. indeed, I have seen some beautiful bavarias, fantasylands in the immortal fragility of glass.
Darius: I saw a window, once... sadly, it has broken beyond recreation.

**heave big fat man sigh**

Darius: I should like to see your work, my dear.

Heide Leigh says: glass, breaks
Heide Leigh says: uh, sorry...
Heide Leigh says: just lost for a moment in my thoughts
Heide Leigh says: well, thank you

Darius: For what?

Heide Leigh says: for your interest. you're right, glass, has lost a lot of its status
Heide Leigh says: you said you where just passing through, I hope you don't plan to leave Pasha high and dry after helping put togehter this Showcase?

Darius: Oh no. I might stay a year... at any rate, I keep in touch with my proteges all over the world. **wink** E-mail, you know.
Darius: However, I doubt Pasha will need anything more than this fete.
Darius: Would you care for some wine?

Heide Leigh says: oh no thank you
Heide Leigh says: a year... and then?

Darius: Who knows? Would you believe this bulk blows with the wind?
Darius: And you, my dear, are quite catching my interest. Most artisans, upon learning of my patronage, are most eager to display their works. You seem to avoid the subject. Curious.

Heide Leigh says: **Smiles, tries to avoid cursing him out right then and there** I am pursuing other interests at this time.

Darius: ah. **eyes her speculatively, clearly wondering how serious she could be about her art, then shrugs it off. ** And now I realize I seem terribly persistant... I hope I haven't been rude.
Darius: You see, I've been looking for a glassmaster.

Heide Leigh says: Oh?

Darius: The window I spoke of?

Heide Leigh says: the one of the Bavarian Landscape?

Darius: Ah no, my dear. Not a landscape at all. A pattern, so complex... I have tried to recreate it in my mind and on paper, but I cannot. It was in the home of a man I much admired, but there was a fire... all destroyed, my friend burned.
Darius: I gathered up the pieces, all that survived...
Darius: If only I could find somewhere the skill to piece it again, the most precious of puzzles...

Heide Leigh says: **can't help but want to get her hands on the shards**

Darius: Would you like to see them, my dear? I'm not offering the commission, of course.... I've not even seen your work.
Darius: I merely thought you might share my interest.

Heide Leigh says: **can't hurt to just look** I'm always interested in seeing the works of others in my field

Darius: **His big-toothed grin** I'll talk your ear off, I'm afraid. Come see, my dear.... It's in the workroom in the cellars.

**Down stairway opening off courtyard into room fixed up like museum restoration room... storeroom beyond, chests and crates and artifacts packed carefully away.

**Come to a chest like a pirates... he withdraws a key and opens the lock**

Heide Leigh says: **almost can't contain her excitement**

**Light glitters on glass, tiered shelves of it like racks of jewels, the color and depth of the glass so rich nothing has been seen like it for a thousand years.**

**shards, broken, the pattern a mystery lost within their chaos...**

Darius: All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't put Humpty together again... I have had European masters try their hand, and you see nothing has come.
But perhaps, where a man has failed.... ah, never mind me.

Heide Leigh says: **begins to reach for a shard** may I?

Darius: **lowers the lid and glances at watch** The unveiling is soon. I would hate to miss that.
Darius: I must ask Pasha's companion if he's heard of his health.

Heide Leigh says: of course... Pasha...His work **looks back at closed chest in horror**

Darius: Come, my dear... It's hard to leave, I know. One day, perhaps I will find a master worthy of it.

Heide Leigh says: **look back at Darius, mask of pleasantness back in place**

**Pats her hand, and escorts her upstairs. Big lock on the room full of treasures Vault door thumps behind them.**

Heide Leigh says: **follow him back out, giving a last glance at the chest**

**Happy chaos of party above, now in full swing around them. Enrique presides over the unveiling... white clothes slide off the work....

**silence. stunned. **

**People look at each other, wondering its okay to voice the sense of spiritual filth. But no one speaks, and slowly voices rise again, speaking of the brillance, the vision... of everything but what they are all thinking.**

Enrique: **anxious** How's it going over? What do yo think?

Heide Leigh says: short, version? Pasha need serious professional help, Darius need to implode, and I need to clear my head. He almost got to me, it was like he knew exactly which buttons to push, a broken window, that jibe about women being able to succeed where men can' the hell did he know that would work on me?...
Heide Leigh says: I'm sorry hon; I"m being totally self centered.

Enrique: What?

Heide Leigh says: nothing...its going great, they're stunned,
Heide Leigh says: awe struck,

Enrique: Good. I was worried... good. He's going to make it.


Heide Leigh says: whoa! **helps him to the floor.**
Heide Leigh says: Excuse me, could someone get me a wet towel please?

**waiters scurry over to assist**

Heide Leigh says: Enrique?
Heide Leigh says: can you hear me hon'?

**someone steps forward announcing she's a doctor...Enrique is spirited off to quiet room and pronounced fine.**

Enrique: Heidi?

Heide Leigh says: Yeah, I"m here
Heide Leigh says: are you all right?

Enrique: feel so weak...

Heide Leigh says: okay, I'm going to take you home

Enrique: I was so nervous when the cover clothes came off... it was like half my strength was sucked out of me...

Heide Leigh says: shhh, its alright now.

Enrique: You don't suppose it's got infected?

** fumbles up sleeve and looks at bandage on arm.**

Heide Leigh says: when did you get this?
Heide Leigh says: not this afternoon was it?

Riq: No, no... weeks.
Riq: Never healed right....
Riq: member I said I posed for Pasha? I cut myself on one of his knives...

Heide Leigh says: okay, I'm taking you to the hospital...

Riq... you know, for cutting the clay... llike he threw at us...

Heide Leigh says: **take off bandage gentlely**

**There is a knife slit... nothing big, but it probably bled tons. The wound is clean, but shows no sign of healing.**

Heide Leigh says: you said you got this weeks ago?

Riq: hm. When he first started with clay.

Heide Leigh says: did he clean the knife afterward, or did he keep using it?

Riq: um... I don't know. Don't remember him cleaning it.
Riq: It was right then I started to feel so stressed... my paintings just weren't... working out. I was so worried about Pasha...
Riq: Probably should have had that little cut looked at.

Heide Leigh says: yeah, sounds like know is as good a time as any
Heide Leigh says: can you sit up?

Riq: yeah. just feel... dizzy.

**struggles up, leaning on her.**

Heide Leigh says: okay, let's get you out of here
Heide Leigh says: **tries to help him stand**

**totters out toward car with her**

Heide Leigh says: **drive to hospital**
Heide Leigh says: Hon' where does Pasha keep the clay?

**Nurse looks at her funny for admitting someone else* Nurse: two for one special, is it?

Riq: Studio, of course.

Heide Leigh says: how much is there?

Riq: so much... all he could use and more.
Riq: fills the whole storeroom.

Heide Leigh says: yeah, this one's just a cut though
Heide Leigh says: **that was too the nurse**

Heide Leigh says: We have to get rid of it.


This session was chosen to present for public consumption because it is near the beginning of the RPG, and thus has not yet become overly complex. As well, it introduces a major villain and the beginnings of several plotlines. Hope you enjoyed this little window into our gaming world. ^.-


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All material copyrighted by ladydarke. Do not steal! Misery will hex you.